Little Jim Speckled Perch/Crappie Tournament
Little Jim Speckled Perch/Crappie Tournament
Little Jim Speckled Perch/Crappie Tournament
Saturday, February 24th, 2024
Entry is $100 per boat
Little Jim sPECKLED pERCH/cRAPPIE Tournament Rules 2024
When: Saturday, February, 24th 2024
Entry Fee - $100.00 Register online or in person at Little Jim Bait and Tackle.
The tournament is limited to 100 boats. (first 100 paid entries will be in the tournament)
This is a boat tournament - All boats must be registered and have paid the entry fee before Friday, February 23rd at 5 pm.
Fishing Location - All boats must fish in Lake Okeechobee only.
Fish Time - Lines in at 7: 00 am - Lines out at 2:00 pm.
Weigh up to 7 fish- An aggregate total wins. In the event of a tie, winnings will be split.
FWC size & limit laws apply - Black crappie (Speck) under 10 inches must be released. The bag limit is 25.
Fishing Method - Rod & Reel or Rod only.
Bait- Live, dead, or artificial bait is allowed.
Weigh-in Location - Little Jim Bait and Tackle. *Fish do not need to be alive for weigh-in.
Weigh-in Time - All registered Captains must be in line at Little Jim by 4:30 pm. Boats are not required to be at the weigh-in.
Prize - The Winner takes all $10,000.00* (based on 100 entries) *Total winnings will be based on the number of registrations.
The winner will be subject to a polygraph test.
*Payouts will be determined by the number of entries
100% payback of entry fees, Tournament will not take any funds from entry fees.
*All winners subject to Polygraph